2014年6月7日 星期六

Bako National Park 峇哥國家公園

Bako National Park  峇哥國家公園

Gazetted in 1957, Bako is Sarawaks oldest national park, covering an area of 2,727 hectares at the tip of the Muara Tebas peninsula all just 37 km from Kuching.

With its rainforest, abundant wildlife, jungle streams, waterfalls, interesting plant life, secluded beaches, panoramic rocky shoreline, bizarre rock formations and extensive network of trekking trails, Bako National Park

At Bako National Park it is possible to see almost every type of vegetation found in Borneo. 25 distinct types of vegetation form seven complete eco-systems - Beach Vegetation, Cliff Vegetation, Kerangas or Heath Forest, Mangrove Forest, Mixed Dipterocarp Forest, Padang or Grasslands Vegetation and Peat Swamp Forest. It is easy to explore these eco-systems via the jungle trails.

 Bako is also home to approximately 275 rare proboscis monkeys, found only in Borneo. The male is an odd-looking creature, with a huge pendulous nose and a large pot-belly, weighing in excess of 20 kg. Both male and female are covered in reddish-brown fur with grey limbs and a white tail. They are mostly arboreal (tree-dwelling), moving about the forest or mangroves in small groups and feeding on young leaves, shoots, sour fruits and seeds.

Bako is a fascinating place for bird watching, as over 150 species have been recorded here.and nocturnal creatures include the flying lemur, pangolin, mouse deer, various bats, tarsier, slow loris and palm civet.
Rock pools and mangroves are good places to search for small animals such as mudskippers and crabs, especially sky-blue fiddler crabs and shell-dwelling hermit crabs. Bako also has its fair share of insects.

Bako’s extensive trail system is made up of 16 colour-coded 

jungle trails which offer a range of walking and hiking options.


1957年中憲報公佈的砂拉越最古老的峇哥國家公園,古晉只有37公里覆蓋 範围约2,727公頃。
峇哥國家公園憑藉其熱帶雨林,豐富的野生動物,叢林溪流,瀑布,有趣的植物,幽靜的海灘,全景岩石的海岸線,異的岩層和登山步道的廣泛網絡可以看到幾乎所有類型在婆羅洲的植物。 25不同類型的植被中七完整的生態系統 - 海灘植被,紅樹林,草場和草原植被和泥炭沼澤森林植被等等。很容易通過叢林小徑探索這些生態系統。




學名Buceros rhinoceros)是一種犀鳥。成鳥長110127厘米,重23公斤。犀鳥的壽命可以達35歲。它們只棲息在雨林的最高處




Sarawak State Museum 砂拉越州博物馆

    Sarawak State Museum  砂拉越州博物馆

The Sarawak State Museum is the oldest museum in Borneo. It was established in 1888 and opened in 1891 in a purpose-built building in Kuching, Sarawak. Sponsored by Charles Brooke, the second White Rajah of Sarawak, the establishment of the museum was strongly encouraged by Alfred Russel Wallace.

The Sarawak Museum was built in 1891 and was extended to its present form in 1911. The building was especially built to permanently house and display local native arts and crafts and collections of local animals as mainly encouraged by the famous naturalist, Alfred Wallace, who was then collecting specimens in the state.

During the Japanese Occupation, the museum was put under the direction of a sympathetic Japanese Officer. As a result, the museum suffered very little damage and remarkably little looting.

Today, with carefully planned renovation and proper maintenance, this old building is used as the centre to exhibit collections on the natural history of Sarawak

Since its inception, the building has undergone several renovations and alterations. It is rectangular, 44’ × 160’ with walls and pillars of bricks and roof of belian and concrete. It has European architecture of imposing edifice in Queen Anne style(Victorian period). The galleries are lighted by dormer windows on the roof which thus allow a great area of wall space.

The ground floor of the museum holds the natural history collection and specimens of Sarawak fauna — reptiles, mammals, birds, etc., all expertly prepared and mounted for display. The west wing of the museum houses Shell exhibition — petroleum industries of Sarawak.

The first floor displays exhibits of ethnographic artifacts such as models of longhouses of the various ethnic groups in Sarawak, musical instruments, various kinds of fish and animal traps, handicrafts, models of boats and others. At the right wing of the building was full of priceless jug from big to small. Countless of jugs, plates, copper ware, jades and even precious stone were here before! Some traditional Tajaus, plates, jades with design like dragon from Ming, Ching, Han Dynasty were found here.

he Sarawak Museum Journal is the journal of the Sarawak Museum. It was first published in 1911, with John Moulton the inaugural editor, making it one of the oldest scientific journals of the South-East Asian region. Topics covered include the history, natural story and ethnology of the island of Borneo.





自成立以来,该建筑经过翻修和改建。它是长方形的,44'×160'购买和混凝土砖和屋顶的墙壁和柱子。它壮丽的大厦在安妮女王式维多利亚时期的欧式建筑。屋顶上的天窗照亮画廊,从而允许大面积的墙壁空间。第一楼博物馆,拥有的自然病史采集和标本的砂拉越动物 - 爬行动物,哺乳动物,鸟类等,所有专业安装的展示。

西翼的博物馆里,展览壳牌- 沙捞越的石油工业。





·         据考古学家的研究四万年以前已有人居住;美里則有举世著名的尼亞洞,據考證有約二萬年历史,五百年前已有很多种民族。
·         45世纪,中国云南一个大组群(巴东族)千里跋涉,从缅甸,泰国,越南,进入马来半岛,再经马六甲海峡到苏门答腊再迁移到婆罗洲。
·         在婆罗洲岛的组群都是属巴东族群,当时最大的组群是加央族(kayan)。加央河是他们最早登陆的地区,也是加央族的发源地,当时一名族长渤泥,就是婆罗洲开上鼻祖,中国最早历史《梁书》记载渤泥国,渤泥就是由这位族长所命名的。
·         砂捞越是婆罗洲旧称渤泥王国的发源地,加央族曾占据许多地方,14世纪迁移到巴南河流域,也是加央王朝最鼎盛时期,除了拥有婆罗洲领土主权,其后裔建立文莱王国,也拥有苏禄群岛,棉兰老岛,苏拉威西岛主权。
·         1830汶萊政府委任马来人拿督巴丁宜·阿里Datu Patinggi Ali)为首长,当时古晋开辟者是班根丁·马哥达Pangeran Mahkota),他代表汶萊苏丹管理砂拉越。为了巩固汶萊苏丹政权,人民得向汶萊政府缴税,采集产品全數卖给政府不能自由贸易,汶萊将产品轉卖给外国以獲利。此外拿督巴丁宜每年须向汶萊政府进贡。
·         1837脱离汶萊苏丹,因龐大稅賦和逼迫,人民在巴丁宜·阿里的领导对抗汶萊苏丹,班根丁·木达·哈新Pangeran Muda Hashim)被命镇压叛乱但结果失败。
·         1840,与詹姆士·布魯克合作:詹姆士在受封爵总督的条件下答应合作解決叛亂,最后成功结束。於1846苏丹砂拉越河Sarawak River)至三东河Sadong River)一带交出。随着18531861188318901905都有叛乱及政治问题,所以布魯克王朝的领土因此扩展很快,其领土面积形成今日的砂拉越。
·         日军侵砂(1941-1945):第二次世界大战爆发,砂拉越在1941年被日军侵入,同年1216占领美里1225占领古晋、27日占领诗巫,直到1945年日军投降撤退,共計38个月。
·         交还英殖:查尔士·布魯克Charles Vyner Brooke)本身无能力恢复国力,在英国强迫下於1946128日將主權交還英国。
·         1963成為馬來西亞联邦一員:经多次争论对抗,1963916北婆羅洲(今沙巴,馬來語是Borneo Utara)、新加坡马来亚组成联邦,正式宣布成立馬來西亞
·         九角星象征该州的九个省,它也象征这些省的人民要提高生活水准的意愿。
·         黄色象征法律的优越性及多元种族间的团结和稳定。
·         黑色象征该州丰富的资源。
·         红色象征人民英勇、意志坚定及富牺牲的精神以寻求进步。
·         犀鸟是该州官方鸟,在翅膀上及尾部的十三根羽毛象征马来西亚的十三州(不包括联邦直辖区)
·         犀鸟胸部前的盾有黄、黑及红色是该州的代表颜色。
·         在犀鸟脚下的两朵大红花是国花。

Ibu Pertiwiku
Sarawak Tanah AirKu
NegeriKu Tanahair Ku Sarawak
Engkaulah Tanah Pusakaku

Map of Sarawak 砂拉越地图

Map of Sarawak  砂拉越地图